Saj Huq is the Director of LORCA (London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement) - a cybersecurity programme funded by the department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and delivered by Plexal. Saj is currently the cyber security lead at Plexal, having initially served as a pilot in the RAF before progressing his commercial career through PwC & Deloitte.
In this episode, we are joined by Saj Huq where we discuss the importance of building an ecosystem when growing your business and specifically the benefits when it comes to areas that require sector specific and/ or deep-tech expertise such as cybersecurity. In detail, we cover:
What is LORCA: description, purpose & history
Should startups be wary of corporate sponsors/involvement on a programme
The importance of building trust & its relevance in cyber security
The LORCA accelerator: structure, benefits & who is relevant
Top tips & success stories
- Intro & welcome Saj
- 2.02 - What is LORCA: description, purpose & history
- 4.30 - LORCA & UK cyber security strategy
- 6.17 - Should startups be wary of corporate sponsors/involement
- 8.10 - The challenge of digital borders & the impact on cyber startups
- 9.57 - The importance of building trust & its relation to cyber security
- 11.05 - Building trust during Covid & networking & shared workspaces
- 13.10 - The LORCA accelerator
- 16.45 - Who is relevant for the programme
- 17.32 - Can you do it yourself as a founder?
- 19.30 - Specific vs generic accelerator
- 20.45 - Top tips & success stories through LORCA
- 22.02 - LORCA Live
- 22.56 - Wrap-up